Ocarina of Time SRM
Setting up Lightnode SRM
Step 1: Movement
First collect all the Blue Rupees in Kokiri Forest and clear the bushes outside of the crawlspace. You should have 55 Rupees upon entering the shop.
Buy a Deku Shield (40) and 5 Deku Nuts (15).
Next, move Mido and backwalk down the hallway.
Link should look like the screenshot upon sidehopping towards the Baba's.
Step 2: Getting Return A
Sidehop to the Baba loading zone.
To get Return A - press C-up + Shield + Target in the same frame as the Baba spinning.
Upon succession, the camera will be frozen in place.
Got Return A
Lost Return A
If Link touches water or falls off a ledge - You'll lose Return A.
You'll need to enter the shop and perform the Return A setup again if you lose Return A.
"Return A" Movement
The next bit of movement can be tricky so follow my lead.
After getting Return A - Move Link to the hallway after Mido then proceed with the movement shown below.
Sidehop against the wall here
Backflip onto this platform
After Sidehop 1
After Sidehop 2
Backflips across platforms
With a series of backflips and sidehops - You can move Link across Kokiri Forest while still keeping Return A.
Our Goal is to get Link to the crawlspace.
Step 3: WWT / Rock Circle
Walking While Talking (WWT)
Upon leaving the crawlspace - There's a slight cutscene. We're going to manipulate that cutscene so Link reads the sign but can clear it with a Deku Nut. Advance the text with C-Up.
Keep targeting the sign and buffer a backflip + target release over the nearby fence.
Link should look something like this. My angle was slightly off but you get the point.
From here its just a series of sidehops to the Rock Circle in front of Mido's House, where the voodoo magic occurs.
Notes that there is a ledge where the path goes down a hill; You want to avoid that because it will make you lose Return A.
Frame 1 of Side-slash
Frame 2 of Side-slash
Frame-By-Frame of the SRM Initiation
Link's position matters a lot in this setup. If you don't grab the rock, you'll do a jumpslash. In which case you'll need to enter Mido's house and do the Return A/WWT setup again.
You want to do a side-slash. On the 2nd Frame - Mash A and hold Right. Link should grab the rock for the next phase of SRM.
Step 4: SRM Initiation
What a nice scenery.
This is what successful SRM initiation looks like.
I go behind the shop with the Rock, which is a little slower compared to in front;
But front of the shop takes a lot of practice - Back of the shop is for safety mostly.
Rock Movement (Back of Shop)
Hold Up-Right until Link disappears, count to 10 as if you were a clock, then quickly switch to Right, Down-Right, Right, Down-Right, when the map pops up for a split second - Switch to Up-Right for 3 seconds, then fully Up until Link clips.
Step 5: Angle Setup
Beautiful, isn't it?
This is the Magic Rock. It can do either 1 of 2 things: Crash your Wii or Do some funky Voodoo Magic.
Best way to prevent a crash is to practice the Angle Setup.
Face Link to the wall, wait for the camera to pan, then hold ESS Up.
You'll notice the camera micro-adjusting itself. Once that's done - Move Link down a step then face Up. From here its just 2 Right ESS Turns to get the angle "aca0".
Depending on the speedrun is what you do after you shield-drop the rock.
Any% SRM
Upon shield-drop - Roll into the Baba Loading zone as quick as possible to do the Credits Warp or get Kekbro'ed.
Upon shield drop - Roll to the Deku Tree and enter its unloaded mouth. When the scene loads Link will have Biggoron Sword on B, Cojiro, and 0 Deku Nuts equipped.
Defeat Ganon SRM
Upon shield-drop - Roll to the Deku Tree and enter its unloaded mouth. You'll Wrong Warp to the end of Tower Collapse.
Ganon as Adult
Upon shield-drop - Roll into the Baba Loading Zone then back into the Kokiri Forest Loading Zone, re-enter the Baba Loading Zone and Die (No Save/No Continue). You'll Wrong Warp to the middle of Hyrule Field as Adult, use C-Right to play Nocturne which Wrong Warps you to the end of Tower Collapse (Inside Ganon's Castle).